Premium Nutrition

With the veterinary world forever being updated with the latest treatments, more and more emphasis is placed on diet. Town and Country provide premium diets for all broad spectrum animals, young, old, large and small.

In the clinic we offer Royal Canin and Purina Proplan We have a variety of stock, as not all diets suit each animal and sometimes it’s a matter of trial and error until we find the perfect match for your pet.

Unsure about where to even begin?

Our staff members are continuously updated on the changing diets available and have extensive knowledge on the products we sell. They will recommend the best suited, and if you are concerned about your animal not liking the new diet… Royal Canin offer 100% money back guarantee if there are palatability issues.

Royal Canin is classed as a veterinary diet and will only be located in clinics. This Diet is scientifically researched to have a complete tailored nutrition for any life stage of your animal. You can find further information, or carry out a personalized program to find a diet right for your pet and more on their online portals. Link is listed below.


Location Hours
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
During these hours, please phone to make an appointment. In the case of an emergency we will see you immediately.

Contact Us

257 Great South Road
Auckland 2113

Phone: 09 294 8779